FIRST: Review the following items

Second: Review specific course requirements for the year you are registering for below.



Must select:

  • Sophomore Writing (½ credit)
  • Oral Communication or HCC Comm 101 (½ credit)
  • Recommended math class from current teacher (1 credit)
  • PE:   1 of following:  Fitness, Advanced Strength, Activities, or Orchesis (1 credit) Drivers Education is taught within the PE class if needed.
  • Science:  Chemistry, Accelerated Chemistry, HCC Chem 161, Principles of Technology (1 credit)
  • Social Science:  US Studies or AP US History (1 credit)
  • Total:  5 required

Additional:  at least 1 elective course to be selected for 6 total classes

Notes: If you put Oral Communication or Sophomore Writing in the summer school slot, this does  NOT sign you up for summer school.


Must select:

  • English Class:  Must have a literature class for graduation (1 credit)
    • (American Lit, British Lit, AP Language, AP Literature)
  • Math:  recommended by current teacher (1 credit)
  • PE:  juniors may now waive PE the semester of a sport/band or for academic overload of 3 AP classes (1 credit)
  • Social Science:  Government or AP Government  (½ credit)
  • Consumer Economics:  (½ credit)
  • Science:  not required but highly recommended (1 credit)

Additional:  Electives to total at least 6 enrolled classes.

Notes: If you put Consumer Economics or Government in the summer school slot, this does NOT sign you up for summer school.


Must select:

  • English class (1 credit)
    • Reminder you must have 1 literature credit for graduation.
  • PE (1 credit)
    • Students may waive pe for a sport or for academic overload (3 AP classes)

Additional:  You must select at least 6 total classes

Notes: If you put Consumer Economics or Government in the summer school slot, this does NOT sign you up for summer school.

Additional Course Requests

*Additional signatures may be required to complete the request process. The request form is in the counseling center and should be turned in with your Course Request Sign-Off Sheet.

  • Class Audit: Teacher signature required. Class will be taken for no credit but the student is required to participate in all work.
  • Department or Office Assistant: Teacher signature required. TA/OA is for seniors only; must have a 3.0 GPA to qualify to be a TA/OA.
  • Dual Credit taken at Heartland or ISU: Department chair signature is required. An additional form is required by Heartland Community College and Illinois State University. The Heartland DC form needs to be signed by the counseling department and then taken to Heartland for enrollment.  The completed ISU DE form needs to be returned to the counseling center. ISU will be in contact with those interested in ISU DC upon completion of the form.
  • Grade Improvement: The original grade must have been a D or F to qualify for grade improvement. The new grade will replace the old grade on the transcript.
  • Illinois Virtual School: Online courses available to U-High students. Department chair signature is needed. Cost $225 per semester. Courses selected must be from outside the curriculum taught at U-High.
  • Pass/Fail: Teacher signature required. Class is taken for a Pass/Fail instead of a grade for the semester requested. A Pass will count for credit but is not figured into the GPA of the student. If an F is achieved, the grade will figure into the GPA of the student.
  • Physical Education Waiver: For juniors and seniors only. A U-High class will replace PE for the semester of an IHSA sport.  If choosing academic overload, students must be enrolled in 3 AP classes.