DEPRECATED – Boosters: Fundraising

Purpose:  To organize and coordinate fundraising for all sports, teams and booster programs.  All fundraising done by teams and organizations needs to be run by the fundraising committee, this is to ensure we are complying with ISU guidelines.

Have a new fundraising idea or request? We’d love to hear from you! Please fill out the fundraising request form and return it to the office today!

There are many ways that your team or group can raise funds. Our committee is here to support you – and to make sure that your plans comply with essential guidelines. Below please find all basic options, information and procedures for your convenience.

NEW ONLINE Fundraising Opportunities. Below you’ll find links to fundraising programs that can be promoted digitally with products that can be shipped directly to those who have purchased. Let us know if you have questions about these options or if you have others that you know of that we can share!

Multiple Products: Gift Wrap/Planters/Candles/Purse:

Krispy Kreme/Digital Dozens Program:

Cool Cards Virtual Fundraiser:

Cozzzy Comfy Sheet Sets:

Three Rivers Wreaths and Plants


Cookie Dough:

  1. Panda Express
  2. Red Robin
  3. Portillo’s
    • Portillo’s For Good
  4. Panera
  5. Chipotle
  6. Jason’s Deli
  7. Moe’s Southwest Grill
    • Link:
    • 15% of sales
    • Flyer is provided via email, but a printed version must be shown at store
  8. Group Raise

Sedexo Concessions, a program that guarantees funds for groups that work concessions at UHIGH and ISU games. If your group is interested in opportunities, we encourage you to attend Booster Meetings to receive information as it is available.

Matching Funds. Boosters may have funds available to match/meet the needs of a group. This has to be requested in advance for consideration and protocol for approval must be followed. Please visit this internal webpage for information and the request form.

Dine to Donate Opportunities. Local restaurants offer options for groups to benefit from an evening’s proceeds. The fundraising committee can support efforts and must be involved to as it interfaces with the receipt of funds and requires promotion for success. If you’re interested, please submit the Dine to Donate Request form today, you’ll receive an autoresponder with basic guidelines. A member of the fundraising committee will reach out to you.

Facebook Promotion. The fundraising committee can help to promote your fundraising event online and on Facebook. Please email the current committee chair in charge of website/social media to help gain exposure for your event.