DEPRECATED – Boosters: Requesting Funds

In an effort to support U-High’s co-curricular programs and activities, both financially and through voluntarism, the 2003-2004 U-High Booster Board initiated a MATCHING FUNDS PROGRAM.
The details are listed below:

  1. A pre-determined amount of money will be set aside to fund this program ($5000 in 2003-2005).
  2. The limit for the individual requests for matching funds is set at $500 per group/activity.
  3. Any U-High student group/activity may make a request to the Booster Club for up to $500. The form must be used to request matching funds.
  4. All reasonable requests will be reviewed by the Executive Board. Matching fund requests must be for the direct benefit of U-High students. Fundraising intended to ultimately benefit a person or agency other than U-High is not eligible for matching funds.
  5. Acceptance of all requests is left to the Executive Board’s decision.
  6. In making a request for funds, the requesting group must agree to raise up to $500 for themselves. A date for completion must be included in the request.
  7. All fundraising must fall within the University’s guidelines for fundraising. It is up to the individual group to understand these guidelines. Consult U-High administration for these guidelines.
  8. Once approved, the Booster Club will match those funds raised (up to $500) within 30 days of the completion of fundraising.
  9. Any group/activity that has received matching funds from the Booster Club will be ineligible for additional matching funds for the current school + the next two school calendar years.

U-High Booster Club Funds Request Process
Please use the forms below to for Matching Gift Requests ($500) and/or Grant Requests.

The online form is automatically emailed to Andrea Markert & Steve Evans for review.

If you want to complete a paper copy of the form, the PDF can be printed below, filled out, and dropped off in the office (attention Andrea or Steve).

Requests meeting criteria will be forwarded to Boosters for consideration.

Requests must be in by the 25th of the month to be considered and discussed at the Booster meeting the following month.

Online Form: